The NorthWind Second Degree training is designed to produce coven and ritual leaders (HP/SES in the usual sense). However, there are other specializations available, such as administrators, bards, healers, diviners, etc. for those who wish to pursue an alternate path. Those requirements are guidelines for traditional HP/S training. Candidates for Second Degree are encouraged to identify their own interests and talents and design there personal degree program to take full advantage of these.
This program of study consists both of independent study and classes taught by a mentor. Besides completing the requirements stated herein, the candidates must exhibit to hser and degree committee that s/he is capable of making a commitment toward priest/ess-hood. (See FC 101 under additional requirements.)
The most important qualifications witch must be met by Second Degree candidates, is the ability to Do.
- Complete one major project on some aspect of Wiccan religious studies, magical studies or other primary skill.
- Complete the following classes, taught by mentor. Mentor may add material at hser discretion according to the mentor’s assessment of the student’s talents and needs.
Intermediate Ritual Skills
A second degree priest/ess must be skilled at doing and teaching how to do ritual. This aspect of second degree coursework may require several class meetings. The following are criteria for second degree ritual work:
- Become adept in the use of NorthWind ritual frame and understand its dynamics
- Be able to understand and explain the meanings of all NorthWind ritual and any ritual you write, and have a clear understanding of the synthesis which NorthWind practices.
- Understand the theory behind ritual.
- Proficiency in ritual theater–voice, gesture, movement, etc.
- Proficiency in power work, perception of power, raising and directing energy.
- Develop effective ritual presence.
- Write and lead an effective group ritual under the direction of your mentor.
Each candidate must work “security”. That means to be within the circle but deliberately to stay out of the power flow. You will monitor the power levels at the edge of the circle (strengthening if necessary) and observe the movement of the ritual and the working of the power. You must also watch all the participants in case of sickness or ungrounded-ness.
American Indian Skills And Philosophy
The Native American influence in NorthWind, plus concepts shared by indigenous religions. The book, American Indian Ceremonies by Medicine Hawk and Grey Cat, contains most of the material to be covered in this class.
What Is Northwind?
The structure and dynamics of NorthWind Tradition, its central goals, NorthWind’s history, etc. The basic aim of this class is to prepare all priest/ess to answer inquiries about NorthWind in an intelligent manner.
The Stone Peoples
Discussion and explanations of the Third Power recognized in NorthWind.
Beginning Understanding Of Therapy And Counseling
This requirement may be satisfied with experience from either side of the counseling situation, learning basic counseling techniques (do’s and don’ts) from books, and there may be a class covering basic counseling techniques for the priest/ess. Basic information on the dynamics of conflict resolution will be supplied by mentor.
There will be a list of suggested and required reading.
Leadership Skills
- Classes: the working of a coven.
- Develop beginning leader ship skills.(Group skills, leadership techniques and styles, group motivations, group dynamics, etc.) there will be a list of suggested and required reading.
- Achieve basic proficiency in some management skills. (Personal time management, accounting, etc.)
- Be able to lead a study group with indirect supervision of mentor.
- Wiccan theology: Understanding Deity
- Sociology of Religion: Neo-Pagan community
- Social Science/Humanities: political science, anthropology, sociology, archeology, history, etc.
- Physical Sciences: new physics, chemistry, botany/herbalism, etc.
Complete Work In The Following Areas
- Wiccan theology: Understanding Deity
- Sociology of Religion: Neo-Pagan community
- Social Science/Humanities: political science, anthropology, sociology, archeology, history, etc.
- Physical Sciences: new physics, chemistry, botany/herbalism, etc.
Work in each of these areas may take differing forms. College-level classes can be used as evidence of study, as can a paper describing your work in these areas. Your mentor may assign specific reading material as well.
Additional Requirements
- Be able to teach about all eight Sabbats; three, four or five moon phases; four times of day; and the four seasons from a ritual/religious point of view.
- Understand and be able to construct (where appropriate), consecrate, dedicate and use all regular ritual tools .
- Be proficient in one method of divination.
- Structure your life to include regular appropriate religious practice which will lead to personal growth .
- Work on getting life in order: Feces Coagulation 101 (“getting your shit together”).
- Meet requirements appropriate to degree status on your personal development and the structure of your life. An individual ordained by NorthWind must meet basic standards of personal organization and competence.
- This includes facing and conquering personal and interpersonal problems identified by yourself and your mentor; structure of your life, and possibly other perceived problems. Such things include, but mot limited to: arrangements for monetary support of self, a moderate standard of housekeeping, flexibility, dependability, balancing your bank account, etc. Your record of volunteering for and then satisfactorily, tasks for the Tradition will be considered under this requirement. Such seemingly unconnected aspects of life actually will have a lot to do with how much time you will have to devote to being a Priest/ess. If you are always in the bottom of the barrel and behind in all you are supposed to be doing just to maintain mundane life; clearly you aren’t going to be properly free to devote time to others. NorthWind hopes that this training will be of inestimable benefit.
- To you personally. However, our focus is on service to the Community of the Stone Peoples and we expect those following this path to share this commitment in some form.
- Have a basic understanding of the demands made upon a priest/ess .
- Read materials on the required archive reading list.
Alternate Path Studies
Candidates do not have to focus on traditional High Priest/ess training (coven leadership, group ritual , etc.) in order to obtain Second or Third Degree.
Realization that there are potentially more then 1 or 2 areas that a student might focus upon, this should be an area of primary interest to the student. Some people might chouse an area that is more one on one teaching, for instance, than group work. In such a case, the person may weight would be given to this student’s focus work than to hser group and/or ritual work. Such a person may do hser best work doing counseling by card reading and may not wish to lead ritual very often , for example.
Therefore, although we are geared toward ritual as a tradition, we can accommodate training for those who are not. This requirement can also be used to fill in gaps for those students with a strong call to healing or any other specialty in magick. This is any skill, not specifically mentioned, in which the student wishes to become proficient, i.e. healing skills, counseling, spell work, shamanism, trance work, etc.
The following are two focus skills which have been identified and developed within NorthWind Tradition. Many more foci can be accommodated, but it will be the responsibility of the student, with the guidance and input from hser mentor(s), to identify the focus skills and develop the course work and curriculum. The following are focus skills that have already been identified. Curriculum has not necessarily been prepared for these.
- Physical/Legal concerns. First aid, liability law, site safety, tax exemptions, legal recognition , etc.
- Administrative Focus Skills. Business law, marketing, public relations, grant writings, volunteer supervision, office and/or time management, accounting for non-profit organizations, etc.
Requirements last updated January 22, 2025.