Third Degree Requirements

Third degree initiation confers upon the candidate full Priest/ess-hood, making hser a High Priest/ess in Northwind. A High Priest/ess in Northwind Tradition is autonomous except as provided for in the NorthWind Bylaws and/or policies.

Third degree studies consist entirely of independent study following the guidelines set herein. This means that each third degree candidate must educate hserself in each of the following areas of study, using whatever resources are available. The Blue Council and the prospective candidate will choose a mentor and two advisors, who will help the candidate to define hser projects for study. The candidate will submit a proposal for study to the Blue Council. (Guidelines for submission of proposal from Second degree requirements still apply.)

It is important for the candidate to realize that s/he is responsible for completing hser work by the deadlines s/he has set. The candidate has to be able to motivate hserself.


  1. Choose at least TWO specific specializations.
  2. These are to be ambitious research or experimental projects. You will be expected to produce a written “thesis” or body of research or experimental notes and an analysis of the results and conclusions you have reached.

These two study projects must:

  • Clearly fall into areas which will contribute to your skills as a High Priest/ess.
  • Must be very clearly described so that both the scope of the project and the cut-off point are fully defined.

General Topics of Study

Complete study on topics chosen from each of the following areas and achievement of moderate competence in each subject.

Not all of these projects may be based upon written research. We tend to depend too much upon the written word and upon library type research. At least one of your general topic studies should take a form other than written. Instructions for reporting on unwritten projects appears below. On the other hand, at least one must take the form of a written document of some sort.

In your proposal submitted to your teacher, please be fairly specific as to exactly what you plan to do in each of these categories and how much of the subject you plan to cover. You must submit a project in each of these categories although your teacher may allow one of your two major projects to count for one of these general topics.

  1. Therapy and counseling. Participate in a group or individual counseling experience; take a college level course in active counseling; volunteer as a lay counselor at a hot line or other help facility; do organized reading and research and write a precis of it.
  2. Communications. Linguistics, non-verbal communication, mass media or a foreign language. The purpose of this topic is to learn the role language plays in thought, the effect works have on action or opinion, etc. There really are magick words and this study may help you identify them.
  3. Psi skills, magick, other method of divination, parapsychology, etc. This should be an advanced study and practice in some magickal/psychic skill which will contribute to your work as a High Priestess.
  4. Social science, political science, anthropology, sociology, archeology, history.
  5. Physical or biological science, herbalism, new physics, etc.
  6. Ritual skills-acting, dance, music, art, poetry, etc. This also includes the development and demonstration of the advanced ritual skills necessary to the work of a High Priest/ess.
  7. Liturgy, ritual theory. You must understand the organization of a ritual, how to make ritual work – what can prevent ritual from working, forms of set liturgy, appropriate ways of varying a liturgy without changing it, etc. Also includes understanding the workings of the power of ritual.
  8. Philosophy, metaphysics, religion, mythology
  9. Wiccan studies. Wiccan history, recent or ancient; other Wiccan traditions; Wiccan theology or philosophy.
  10. Healing skill. This may be first aid, herbalism, healing hands, massage, or any other technique which contributes to wellness.

In addition to the topics listed above, a Third Degree candidate must:

  • Lead a discussion and/or write an article on any one of the study topics listed above.
  • Each third degree candidate shall contribute at least one research paper to the NorthWind Archive.
  • Write and lead an effective group ritual.

Additional Requirements

  1. FC 101 must still be intact. In fact, these requirements are yet more stringent for a 3rd degree candidate. The work of a High Priest/ess can be very hard and demands a lot of strength, personal stability, and maturity. FC101 requirements for second degree still apply.